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Showing posts from January, 2007

Jalan Intuisi

Ketika aku nyaris menyerah untuk menemukanmu kembali, tiba-tiba aku teringat dalam tasku, aku menyimpan “Sang Alkemi”. Aku mulai membacanya untuk ketiga kali, dan inilah pertanda saatku telah dekat dengan Jiwa Buana. Hidup dan kehidupan adalah pertanda. Tuhan telah menjadikan seluruh alam semesta sebagai pertanda bagi orang yang mau berpikir. Kata-kata itu begitu sering diulang dalam kitab suci. Namun kebanyakan orang hanya berpikir tentang masa kini dan masa depan dengan jalan yang pendek. Misalnya untuk mendapatkan kerja harus sekolah dari tingkat A sampai Z dengan jurusan ini: terarah tapi mudah demi tujuan itu sendiri. Kemakmuran adalah tujuan terakhir tapi tidak untuk makna kemakmuran yang terdalam. Dan hanya sedikit orang yang mampu memaknai proses berjalannya waktu dan perjuangan mencapai Legenda Pribadi. Legenda pribadi adalah impian setiap orang meskipun itu hanya berkelana atau menikah dengan putri pedagang kain atau bahkan hanya mencari harta. Setiap orang bermimpi dan menda

Books are Better Than Television

It is undoubtedly true that television is a revolutionary innovation in audio-visual technology. It brings the world to your home: news, movies, clip-videos, sport matches, educational programs, etc. Just sit on your chair and this ‘magic box’ will entertain you. Moreover, television visualizes imaginations on screen. When we read books or listen to radio, we form mental pictures in our brains. In contrast, images that we watch in television are products of directors in which we do not need to imagine anymore (Thynne 1989: 19-22). In addition, people remember what they see more than what they hear or read. This is based on a research on human memory by France psychologists (Elias, 1996). However, compared to television books keep brains work. Reading is an active activity: eyes move catching words and phrases while mind concentrates ‘digging’ ideas and meanings. After that, brains save information in memories. In contrast, television makes us lazy and passive; we just sit in front of i

Advantages and Disadvantages Living in Jakarta

Generally, living in a big metropolis city is a dream for most of people around the world. Jakarta, as one of the cosmopolitan cities in the world, has many thing that can offer both of advantages and disadvantages. In Jakarta, we can find more public facilities than a smaller cities in Indonesia. Education opportuniy and other kinds of specific course are easy to find in here, for example University of Indonesia, as one of biggest university in Indonesia, is located in Jakarta. Other course such as IALF is available for student who want to improve their capability in English. Also more factories and center offices that establish in Jakarta need a big workforce and become a chance for us. Moreover, at the weekend, there are many choice to spend our time on entertainment. We can go to the movie in many places here, and go to the sport centers even in complete facilities like a gym and people who have shopping in hobby, they can visit some of big shopping malls such as Mall Ambassador, M